LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Child Trafficking

This is when a child or young person is moved from one place to another, so that he or she can be exploited.

This includes situations when a young person has:

  • been bought or sold for money
  • been tricked into leaving home
  • been given away by their family because the family need money
  • been made to leave their home because of war
  • chosen to leave home, thinking they are going to a better life

The movement of a young person can be international or within the same country. In most cases, the young person suffers because they have been forced or tricked into moving.

In many cases, an adult will lie to a young person and promise them a better life. However, the new life turns out to be horrible and the young person is treated badly. The young person could be forced or tricked into moving to a completely new country, where they don’t know anyone or even speak the language. This can be really scary. They might be forced to work for free, marry someone they don’t want to, live in bad conditions or do things they don’t want to do.

Child trafficking is growing more common and affecting the lives of more young people everyday.

It is possible that someone you know or go to school with is a victim of child trafficking? This is why it’s so important to know how to recognise and help someone who has been trafficked. You can find out more about trafficking on the NSPCC website.

What should you do?

If you suspect that a friend or someone you go to school with has been a victim of child trafficking or is about to become a victim, you should speak to someone you trust like a teacher, friend, relative or social worker who will be able to help.

If you suspect that someone is in immediate danger you should always call the police on 999.

Last updated: 25 April 2023

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