LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Early Help and Prevention

All practitioners must have a shared understanding of how the different services and agencies work together to support Northamptonshire’s children, young people and families.

Procedures and processes must be used consistently by all practitioners to identify and address the risks and needs of children, young people and their families.

This will ensure that the interests of children and young people are central and that children’s welfare is safeguarded.

All agencies and individuals that work with children and young people in Northamptonshire are responsible for identifying and addressing the needs of children and families in line with the agreed local processes.

The job of early help and specialist services is to try to get children, young people and families to a position where they can be effectively supported by universal services, by addressing their additional needs in an effective and timely way.

Further information on how Early Help works in Northamptonshire can be found on the NCC website here.

Last updated: 04 March 2019

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