LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire


Cancellation & Charging Policy

NSCP training course bookings must be cancelled with 72 hours notice to avoid a charge being made to your organisation.


The NSCP offers over 25 e-learning courses through the Virtual College.

Face to Face Training

The NSCP have launched a its face to face training offer for 2023-2024 which we are pleased to say offers a range of training being run via Microsoft Teams and returning to a more traditional class...

Manager Guides - getting learning into practice

Managers play a vital role in identifying the training needs of those practitioners that they manage, and ensuring that relevant training is provided.

Managers – What Safeguarding Training We Offer You

Are you a manager or supervisor with responsibility for safeguarding? The NSCP offers a number of training courses via our e-learning platform which are relevant to you in your role.

Measuring the Impact of Learning

NSCP wants the training and events they provide to have a positive impact on the day-to-day practice of staff in Northamptonshire.

Signs of Safety Practitioner Briefings

Signs of Safety Briefings are now available to book via the NSCP Online Booking system. On the link below you will find details of the courses including all learning objectives and dates avaliable...

Training - Prevent

The NSCP currently has the following option to complete training on Radicalisation, Extremism including both information on the Prevent and Channel programme. The below provides a breakdown of the ...

A to Z of topics