LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

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You search for the keyword 'FGM' has 19 results

  • FGM in Northamptonshire - update

    The term ‘Female Genital Mutilation’ (FGM) encompasses all procedures that either: Fully or partially remove external female genitalia, or Injure the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. FGM is usually car...

  • FGM Protection Orders launched in time for school holidays

    The launch of the Serious Crime Act 2015's new provision for FGM Protection Orders has been fast-tracked, coming into effect ahead of the school summer holidays, when girls are at particular risk of being taken abroad for FGM to be carried out.

  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

    The term ‘Female Genital Mutilation’ (FGM) encompasses all procedures that either: Fully or partially remove external female genitalia, or Injure the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. FGM is usually car...

  • FGM Mandatory Reporting Guide for Health Professionals

    The Department of Health has put together a package of support materials to help Health Professionals understand how and when to report any cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) in girls under 18. The following materials are in PDF format and ...

  • Mandatory Reporting of FGM

    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is illegal in England and Wales under the FGM Act 2003 (“the 2003 Act”). It is a form of child abuse and violence against women.

  • Female Genital Mutilation or 'cutting'

    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), also called female circumcision or ‘cutting’, is when a girl's external genitals (private parts) are cut away.

  • Safeguarding Topics for Health Professionals

    Information about FGM, CSE, neglect, young carers and more.

  • Toolkits for Professionals and NSCP Procedures Manual

    A range of toolkits are available to assist professionals with safeguarding around CE, FGM and more and are part of the NSCP's online Procedures Manual.

  • Inter-Personal Violence

    The World Health Organisation refers to inter-personal violence as violence between individuals and subdivides it into family and intimate partner violence and community violence.

  • Training for Schools

    Training for School Designated Safeguarding Leads.

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