LSCBLocal Safeguarding Children Board Northamptonshire

Search results

You search for the keyword 'FGM' has 19 results

  • Toolkits for professionals

    Access a range of NSCP toolkits to assist professionals working with children, young people and their families.

  • Documents and Toolkits for EY and Childcare Professionals

    See a list of safeguarding toolkits and useful documents for Early Years and Childcare Professionals.

  • 100 Days of Safeguarding - Days 51 - 100

    During 2022 and into 2023, the Partnership ran a 100 days of safeguarding campaign to reinforce existing messages, identify important local and national themes, update professionals about policies and procedures and share learning from reviews and audits. The messages were a mixture of posters, briefings and documents. The messages are aimed at professionals as well as parents and we ask that you share them with your staff and where appropriate, parents / members of the public. Messages were initially published on the NSCP Twitter profile and a copy was then added to this page which will then become a ‘one stop shop’ for all the information and links.

  • Breast Ironing

    What is breast ironing and how is it child abuse.

  • Safeguarding Themes for Schools

    Information about Children Missing Education, Bullying, Gangs, Private Fostering and Radicalisation and more.

  • Safeguarding and Abuse

    Professionals working in Early Years or as Childminders are often able to spot safeguarding issues and abuse because of the close contact they have with the children and young people in their care.

  • Training for the Voluntary Sector

    NSCP offers free safeguarding training for staff that work in the voluntary sector and have contact with children and young people.

  • E-learning

    The NSCP offers over 25 e-learning courses through the Virtual College.

  • Tea Break Guides

    The Partnership has produced a series of tea break guides to give you practitioners an insight into a range of topics you may be unfamiliar with. Over the next few months look out for more guides being added to read over a cup of tea, discuss with colleagues or simply expand your knowledge further.

A to Z of topics